Lady Eliza's Blog

Welcome to the blog of writer Lady Eliza. Here you will find her insane ramblings, quirky story ideas, and extra information on her current work. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Your result for The Cultural Identity Test...

The Liberal Philosopher

61% Traditionalism, 61% Knowledge, 65% Diversity, 42% Contemporary and 38% Untraditionalism!


You Scored 65% Liberal Philosopher, Congratulations!

Diversity! Cultural awareness! Sharing! Caring!

Congratulations, you're a liberal philosopher! Perhaps a bit bleeding heart at times, and maybe a little too nice for your own good, you nevertheless bring a strong sense of individualism and unity to those around you. Liberating the minds of the traditionalists from their stodgy conformity, you seek to spread the good will of peace, understanding, and diversity.

You likely find little value in the traditions of old, and instead see them as myopic and intolerant. You are very progressive in your ideas towards race and heritage, and are probably pretty much colour blind. Which is good for you, because there's no better way to lead than by example.

You are probably more sensitive to the ideas of other cultures, sometimes even at the expense of your own! But you see this as a good thing, because after all, how can diversity prosper if we cling to our own ways more tightly than to those others? It's a big, beautiful world out there, and you just can't wait to share it with everyone.

Take The Cultural Identity Test
at HelloQuizzy

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