Lady Eliza's Blog

Welcome to the blog of writer Lady Eliza. Here you will find her insane ramblings, quirky story ideas, and extra information on her current work. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rememberance Day

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Lt.-Col. John McCrae(1872 - 1918)

Just ones of those days!

Hello everyone,

I seem to be apologizing for not updating my stories, this is mostly due to school and work commitments. However, today I just want to say that I'm really happy because I got an increase in one of my grades, because me and my group members argued our way to it, and I was able to enroll in one of the classes that I needed, and have been waiting for to graduate. OMG! I can't even tell you how I feel right now. I now need to enroll in one more class to get all the classes I need for my degree. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I know this seems all over the place, but I've been studying for a very long time and I'm just glad that my hard work is getting me somewhere.

I will try to update my stories during winter break. I think I'll have a few weeks off to concentrate on them without any other committments. I want to thank all my patient readers. You inspire me to continuing with my stories and I plan to finish all of them when I can.

Lady Eliza :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lack of Updates

Hello everyone!

It seems as though all I have been doing for the past few years is apologize for my lack of updates. I am, once again, begging your pardon for not updating my ongoing stories for months, and in one case about a year (YIKES!!). I am currently finishing up my university studies and have taken a full course load. I am also working two times a week and therefore have no time to do anything but study, go to school, and work. I know, I have a great life!!

I have randomly written a few pages on several of my stories but have not had time to go over them and polish it up to my usual standards. I'm very sorry for not updating and thank you for bearing with me during the end of my studies. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

For my lovely readers I give you a sneak peek at the next chapter of 'The Escort'.


Lady Eliza


Hmm…if she squinted, real hard, he looked ten years younger, but Rory still wouldn’t see the appeal in Professor Asher Fleming. Currently, she was tacking up posters for the Wake she and Paris were hosting in honour of the dearly departed. It was a thankless job but someone had to do it.

When Paris had informed her via a phone of the death of her more mature lover, Rory had to get her bearings before she come up with a proper word of condolence. Was there a proper etiquette on how to respond to the death of her good friend’s mature lover and her former professor? She’d have to check with her grandmother about that but not until she knew a polite way to bring up the subject.

Though she didn’t understand Paris’ love fore the elderly professor she felt it was her duty to support Paris in her time of hardship. She was told by an exemplary source, Honor, that loss did unusual things to people. Paris was simply grieving in the only way she knew how, by honouring the great academic and scholar. Throwing the wake made Paris feel useful and Rory would do anything to help her over this loss.

As she tacked on another poster for the wake she heard a familiar voice ask a question and another equally familiar voice answer back.

“I think this is where she lives.”

“I’m flatter gentlemen, I didn’t realize I’d made that much of an impression that you would tack me down like so,” said Rory watching three faces turn and look at her in astonishment.

“Rory what are you doing here?” asked Logan with a puzzled look on his face.

“I live here. Through that door you’re standing in front of.”

“Here? At Brantford?” asked Colin.

“Yes and Yes,” came the cheeky reply.

“Oh well…is your roommate a red heard, by any chance?” asked Finn.

“No. What’s the name of the girl you’re looking for?”

“Oh I dunno her name but she’s about your height and with a glorious head of red hair.”

“Well, I can see that your losing out on a soul mate.”

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Your result for The Cultural Identity Test...

The Liberal Philosopher

61% Traditionalism, 61% Knowledge, 65% Diversity, 42% Contemporary and 38% Untraditionalism!


You Scored 65% Liberal Philosopher, Congratulations!

Diversity! Cultural awareness! Sharing! Caring!

Congratulations, you're a liberal philosopher! Perhaps a bit bleeding heart at times, and maybe a little too nice for your own good, you nevertheless bring a strong sense of individualism and unity to those around you. Liberating the minds of the traditionalists from their stodgy conformity, you seek to spread the good will of peace, understanding, and diversity.

You likely find little value in the traditions of old, and instead see them as myopic and intolerant. You are very progressive in your ideas towards race and heritage, and are probably pretty much colour blind. Which is good for you, because there's no better way to lead than by example.

You are probably more sensitive to the ideas of other cultures, sometimes even at the expense of your own! But you see this as a good thing, because after all, how can diversity prosper if we cling to our own ways more tightly than to those others? It's a big, beautiful world out there, and you just can't wait to share it with everyone.

Take The Cultural Identity Test
at HelloQuizzy

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Your result for The Neville Longbottom Test...

O (Outstanding)

100% knowledgeable!

WOW! Are you the president of the Neville Longbottom Fanclub? Whether it's his first and last lines in the series, his grandmother's first name, or his worst fear, you really know your stuff! You could probably tell me what page he first appears on. In all seriousness, though, I'm very impressed! You've either got an outstanding memory or absolutely no life! (Or both...)

Take The Neville Longbottom Test
at HelloQuizzy

Your result for Test yourself: What alignment are you?...

Lawful Good

You are The Saintly; Lawful Good.

You scored 83% Good and 62% Lawful, which makes you Lawful Good.

Lawful Good is known as the "Saintly" or "Crusader" alignment. A Lawful Good character typically acts with compassion, and always with honor and a sense of duty. A Lawful Good nation would consist of a well-organized government that works for the benefit of its citizens.

Lawful Good characters, especially paladins, may sometimes find themselves faced with the dilemma of whether to obey law or good when the two conflict - for example, upholding a sworn oath when it would lead innocents to come to harm - or conflicts between two orders, such as between their religious law and the law of the local ruler.


Take Test yourself: What alignment are you?
at HelloQuizzy


Your result for The Best Personality Type for You Test...

INTJ The Mastermind

You scored 50 I versus E, 40 N versus S, 60 F versus T, and 100 J versus P!

Your ideal romantic partner is known as the Mastermind. As a romantic partner, this type can be both fascinating yet demanding. They are not apt to express their emotions, leaving their partners wondering where they are with them. They strongly dislike repeating themselves or listening to the disorganized process of sorting through emotional conflicts. They see their own commitments as self-evident and don't see the need to repeat something already expressed. They have the most difficulty in admitting their vulnerabilities. They feel the most appreciated when their partners admire the quality of their innovations and when they listen respectfully to their ideas and advice. They need plenty of quiet to explore their interests to the depth that gives them satisfaction.

The group summary: rationals (NT)

The type summary: INTJ

Take The Best Personality Type for You Test
at HelloQuizzy